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A wide range of NDT and Asset Management services created by the mining industry, for the mining industry


tank & Pipe inspection

We offer a set of comprehensive tank and pipe NDT inspection services based on industry inspection guides and codes. These inspections are aimed at above-ground storage tanks and process tanks and pipe and can be easily scheduled just before or after mill shutdown dates.

bulk material handling equipment

Rope shovels, excavators, haul trucks, stackers, draglines, conveyors, loaders, etc... you name it...if its built to move a lot of material it's probably undergoing some significant cyclical stresses. Our approach is to focus on the most critical parts of the equipment and provide a trend-able, data driven report to help prevent unexpected equipment failures and downtime and to help prioritize maintenance activities.

Safety takes a heightened priority to match the treacherous working conditions that are commonly encountered out in the pit or around conveyor systems.

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lifting device inspection

Critical lifts rely HEAVILY on the integrity of these simple machines but our detailed visual inspection and Magnetic Particle Testing checks can help you sleep better at night. Inspecting your crane hooks and other lifting devices before your shutdown is a practice that comes highly recommend and is often mandated in certain countries. 

Our inspections include a multi-point inspection checklist in addition to the standard "go, no-go" reporting.

crushing equipment

Critical compenents such as the heads, shafts, mantle, spider assembly and shell frames take a lot of abuse. Using our combined knowledge of NDT and experience with crushing equipment; we can help reduce downtime by detecting and monitoring fatigue cracks caused by operational stresses.


specialized services

Need something that isn't quite "off the shelf". We can work with you to find custom NDT solutions where other NDT companies might turn you away. We love a good challenge. 

We also have experience with limited access inspection work: rope access, confined space, explosive atmosphere rated equipment, offshore know the drill!

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